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The amateur Party School of the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University held a special study lecture on "Deep understanding of the decisive significance of the 'Two establishment'"

Release time: 2023-09-28 Author: Hits:

At noon on September 28, the Amateur Party School of Tsinghua High School invited Zhou Yunhe, a graduate student of the School of Marxism of Tsinghua University and a lecturer of the doctoral teachers' group of Tsinghua University, to give a special lecture on the topic of "Profound Understanding of the Decisive Significance of the" Two Establishment"。Tsinghua High School Party secretary Cao Haixiang, vice president Bai Xuefeng, more than 30 students from senior one, senior two amateur Party school students participated in the activity。

Tsinghua University doctoral lecturer Zhou Yunhe delivered a speech

The "two affirmations" is a choice made by history and The Times, and a major political judgment reflecting the common will of the whole Party and the common aspiration of the people。At the beginning of the lecture, lecturer Zhou Yunhe introduced the importance of "commander in chief" to the students from the topics they were interested in。Then, by leading the students to review the history of the Party, he profoundly elaborated that the "two establishment" is an inevitable conclusion drawn from the party's century-old struggle。Zhou Yunhe pointed out that the Party has a strong leadership core supported by the whole party and a guiding ideology that meets the requirements of The Times, and must resolutely support the Party's leadership core, constantly keep up with the requirements of The Times, and innovatively develop the guiding ideology。

Lecture site

From the source of theory to great practice, lecturer Zhou Yunhe quoted classics, connected with reality, combined with hot spots, so that students have a deep understanding of the importance of "two establishment"。党的十八大以来,党和国家事业取得历史性成就、发生历史性变革,根本在于有以习近平同志为核心的党中央领航掌舵,有习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想指引航向。A strong core of leadership and scientific theoretical guidance are fundamental issues concerning the future and destiny of the Party and the country and the success or failure of the cause of the Party and the people。

Student amateur Party school students listen carefully

Secretary Cao Haixiang pointed out in his concluding speech that the Communist Party of China is the core force leading the Party's cause, and the key to comprehensively building a modern socialist country and comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation lies in the Party。To develop the cause of the Party, it is necessary for generations of young people to participate in the future, and groups of young Marxists who are of great mind to the country bravely shoulder the heavy responsibility。He encouraged the students to be concerned about current affairs, politics and social issues, establish lofty ideals and lofty aspirations, and actively contribute to the promotion of Chinese-style modernization。

Speech by Secretary Cao Haixiang

The two resolutions represent the biggest political achievement, the most important historical experience, and the most objective practical conclusions of the new era. We must cherish them all the more, resolutely safeguard them, and adhere to them in the long run。

Text: Lou Sai Sai

Photo: Lou Sai Sai

Review: Bai Xuefeng Li Shuxia Yang Ruizen Yifei

Edit: Administrative Management Center

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